The "New Teacher" Blog

Visualising PowerPoint Rules   

PowerPoint is omnipresent in our daily academic life. In companies, university as well as in schools this tool is frequently used by presenters. However, besides all the benefits of the program, a lot can be done wrong when using it. This is why we had to design a sideshow that compiles the 10 most important rules for the usage of Microsoft PowerPoint. To complete the task, our instructor provided us with the rules and added the PowerPoint tool that we should visualize the respective rule with.

Below the ten rules are displayed:

  1. A clear structure is important for the processing and understanding of the information
  2. Empty space can be used to emphasize content
  3. The importance of an element can be emphasized by framing, colour and size
  4. The layout of a page can usually be defined by a grid which functions as the basis for all the arrangements of elements on the page
  5. The legibility  of texts is dependent on the colours selected
  6. Colour can convey cultural and emotional information
  7. Typefaces can be used to influence the interpretation of a text
  8. Diagrams can be used to display complex information in an understandable way
  9. Multimedia elements can be used to visualize content that cannot be described by textual information
  10. Animation can be used to direct attention

We got together in groups and created the following sideshow that illustrates the rules named above:

File Size: 2612 kb
File Type: pptx
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